About Stephan

Stephan was born in St-Gallen, Switzerland. In kindergarten he had his mouth washed with soap on a regular basis and grew up to become an anarchist, a hippie, and a camel tamer in India. After the camel tamer (ok… camel trainer) stint he taught art, handycraft and sports in secondary school in Switzerland. He now makes his home in Enderby, British Columbia and spends a lot of time in his shop tinkering with bones and found objects. Stephan also works with multiple theatre groups across British Columbia and in Europe as a lighting designer.
Professional Experience
Artistic Experience
2011 | Performing Art Centre , Vernon BC (with Aspha Naira Gallery) |
2011 | Film with Dancer Sculptures for CD release „The Barr Brothers“, Montreal |
2010 | Pinz Gallery, Salmon Arm, BC , |
2010 | Armstrong Spallumcheen Art Gallery |
2009 | Gallery Vertigo , Vernon, BC, Canada |
2008 | Alternator Gallery, Kelowna, BC, Canada |
Aspha Naira Gallery, Vernon, BC , Canada | |
2007 | International Art Fair Toronto, ON, Canada , with Headbones Gallery |
Aspha Naira Gallery, Vernon, BC , Canada | |
Fugitive Gallery, Vernon, BC, Canada | |
2006 | Headbones Gallery, Toronto, ON, Canada |
2005 | Fran Willis Gallery, Victoria, BC, Canada |
Professional Experience
2003 – current
Light design for theatres in Canada:
- Electric Company Theatre, Vancouver
- Caravan Farm Theatre , Armstrong B.C.
- Leaky Heaven Circus , Vancouver B.C.
- Runaway Moon Theatre , Enderby, B.C.
- Wishbone Theatre , Dunster, ALB.
Technical director of the “Junges Theater” Basel
Light and set design in more than 40 plays
1991 – current
Design and construction of the “Pandamobile” for the Swiss WWF, a moving hands-on exhibition for schools:
- “Aquamarinus”: undersea life (1991}
- “Sous le sol”: life in the subsurface (1994)
- “Wolf”: re-integration of wolves in Switzerland (1997)
- “Regenwald”: rainforest (2001)
- “Arktis”: changes in climate (2004)
- “Water”: a challange for mankind (2006)
- “The Swiss Alps”: highland in trouble (2008)
Freelance work for theatres in Switzerland as a set and props designer.
Teaching, (Art & Technical Drawing) , Sekundarschule Basel; Switzerland
Artistic Experience
2004 – current
Sculptures combining bones, metal and light
1982 – 1988
Comission, Basel Canvas-Streetlamp-Paintings, Basel, Switzerland
1974 – 1979
Cartoons and Comix, Exhibitions, Weekly Magazin Prints, Comissions. Switzerland
1977 – current
Short animated cartoons
Design and construction of playground items, board games, puppets and toys.
Paintings (including airbrush) and drawings on paper, canvas, fabric and blackboard
Sculptures and functional objects(stone, soapstone, wood, metal, mixed materials)
1970 – current
Cartoon Drawings